Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures
Complex Partial Seizures
- Time the seizure.
- Keep the person safe from dangers.
- Remove obstacles from the individual's path.
- Do not restrain.
- Do not expect the person to respond to instructions or commands.
- Explain to bystanders that the individual is having a seizure and that it will soon be finished.
- Be reassuring when the seizure ends and remain present until the person if fully consciously aware.
When Is A Seizure A Medical Emergency?
- The seizure lasts longer than five minutes.
- One seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness or conscious awareness between seizures.
- The seizure occurs in water.
- There is an obvious injury.
- There is no known history of seizures.
- The person has diabetes.
- The person is pregnant.
Copyright © 2010 Epilepsy Foundation North/Central Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska.
An Independently Incorporated Affiliate of the Epilepsy Foundation of America