Lynn Rehnberg, QMRP
Rockford, IL
I'm a Traumatic Brain Injury case manager, and brain injuries are one of the main causes of epilepsy. Many of the people I serve have seizures, some with cases that are difficult to control. The Epilepsy Foundation of North/Central Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska has always been great resource in helping me work with my consumers who have epilepsy. |

Erik St. Louis, MD
Neurologist, Rochester, MN
The professional staff of the Epilepsy Foundation of North Central Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska works tirelessly on behalf of our patients, going to great lengths to help people with epilepsy. I’ve found my experiences in assisting with our Iowa epilepsy conferences particularly rewarding because there I’ve witnessed first hand the benefits our patients reap from the Epilepsy Foundation. |
A copy of our Form 990 is available upon request.
Contact Nancy Warden at
or by phone at
(815)964-2689, x13 or (800)221-2689, x13 |

Jacob T. Fitzgerald
Financial Advisor, Rockford, IL
I have been supporting the Epilepsy Foundation of North/Central Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska for many years. This is an organization that is tireless in its commitment to serving the community and improving quality of life for people with epilepsy.

CILA Program Client
I have a place to live and friends and lots of help because of the Epilepsy Foundation. They help me with my budget, going grocery shopping, seeing my doctor, and keeping my apartment clean. We go on outings and have picnics so I get to spend time with other people.