Childcare Providers
Taking care of children with seizures is usually no different from taking care of other children. Unless the parents have said otherwise, a child with epilepsy should be treated like any other normal, active youngster. Visit our About Epilepsy section to learn more about different kinds of seizures and what to do about them.
Here are some tips to remember:
- A child with epilepsy should get his or her medicine on time.
- It's nobody's fault if a child has a seizure.
- Most seizures are not emergencies and do not need emergency care.
- Talk things over with the parents so you know exactly how they want you to handle a seizure.
- Unless you have other instructions, first aid for seizures is mostly to keep the child safe until the seizure ends naturally.
- If a child has a convulsion, turn him or her on one side to prevent choking.
- Having a seizure is upsetting and embarrassing for a child. He or she will need comforting and kindness afterwards.
- Call for emergency assistance if a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, if another seizure starts, or if the child doesn't wake up or breathe properly afterwards.