Generalized Seizures
Generalized Tonic Clonic (Grand Mal) The seizure begins with the tonic phase in which the muscles stiffen, followed by the rhythmic jerking of the clonic phase. The individual loses consciousness, may lose bladder or bowel control, and may vomit or produce foaming from the mouth. Skin color may change tint. These seizures generally last only a few minutes though the person may experience a long period of confusion afterward.
Absence (Petit Mal) These brief loses of awareness are more common in children than in adults. The seizure lasts only a few seconds, and look like nothing more than staring or daydreaming. These seizures can occur many times a day and are very easy to overlook.
Myoclonic These seizures involve brief, rapid muscle jerks, usually involving limbs on both sides of the body. They are often mistaken for clumsiness.
Atonic Also called "drop attacks", these seizures cause sudden loss of muscle tone, resulting in head drops, loss of posture, or collapse. There is a high risk of injury, and protective headgear is often worn
Infantile Spasms These are clusters of sudden jerks first occurring in children between three and six months of age. f a child is sitting up, the head will fall forward, and the arms will flex forward. If lying down, the knees will be drawn up, with arms and head flexed forward as if the baby is reaching for support.